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2005:11:13 05:42:43
2005:11:13 05:43:15
2005:11:13 05:45:57
2005:11:13 06:43:41
2005:11:13 06:51:45
2005:11:13 06:53:41
2005:11:13 06:57:59
2005:11:13 07:04:54
2005:11:13 07:08:13
2005:11:13 07:13:31
2005:11:13 07:16:33
2005:11:13 07:16:50
2005:11:13 07:27:43
2005:11:13 07:28:02
2005:11:13 07:28:19
2005:11:13 07:39:20
2005:11:14 18:52:34
2005:11:15 04:04:39
2005:11:15 04:04:45
2005:11:15 04:05:07
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